2018-03-20 ========== Night of UTC 2018-03-20 Mt. Kent Observatory CDK700 Apogee U16 camera at -10C Credit: Rhodes Hart and John Kielkopf Clear sky (some lines of cloud to SW) Crescent moon (near new) (set early in evening) Some wind NGC 2244 (Rosette Nebula Cluster) 06 31 55.0 +04 56 30 (Simbad) griz 16s and 128sec then series of r' 128s Focussed. Exposures of 128 second in each of g', r', i', and z' Processed for dark subtraction with WCS added by astrometry.net software Images combined in ds9, displayed on a square root scale to show the faintest stars and make the background slightly grey in all colors RGB mapping of Sloan filters i --> red r --> green g --> blue Hydrogen (H-alpha and H-beta) appears blue green. Red stars are exceptionally cool IR-bright. The image shows most of the faint stars that appear in the DSS on Simbad.