Night of 2016-06-28 =================== Saturn as recorded by our planetary telescope with a high speed camera to reduce blurring by Earth's atmosphere. The color images are approximately true color made by taking separate images in red, green and blue filters and combining them to make a color composite. Details are below. The images include exposures to show the satellites, an image with satellites labeled, and a map of the location of the satellites at the time of the exposures. Mewlon ZWO174/Sony IMX174 Image scale 0.338 "/pixel Exposures ~0.05 seconds Mean date for Saturn C images = 2016-06-29T04:38:22 Mean date for Saturn G images = 2016-06-29T04:39:32 Centered using image stabilization in AstroImageJ Selected best images with edge sensing Unsharp masked the selected stack with ~6px Dropped outlierer poor frames Coadded to sum Unsharp masked the sum with fewer px than each stack (usually ~3 px) Flipped vertically Combined in AstroImageJ Exported to fits saturn_processed_b.fits saturn_processed_g.fits saturn_processed_r.fits Processed in AIJ and displayed in ds9 Exported to png saturn_coadd_64x1s_c_av_0_100.png saturn_coadd_ds9_0_100_labelled.png saturn_coadd_ds9_0_5056_log_labelled.png saturn_stack_rgb.png RGB rendering saturn_xephem.png Satellites at this time