2017-04-07 ========== CDK20N at Moore Observatory John Kielkopf Short exposures with good focus to resolve Castor (alpha Gemini) castor_00004_g.fits g' filter 1 second exposure Orient image in ds9 using invert Y and rotate 180 degrees to make it NSEW The star below Castor is YY Gem castor_00008_g.fits Sloan g' castor_00009_r.fits Sloan r' castor_00011_i.fits Sloan i' castor_00012_z.fits Sloan z' Are selected images with short 6 millisecond exposure and good focus will not show fainter field stars. The two png files show a 1 second image in g' on log scale to pick up the background stars and a 6 miilisecond image in r' to resolve Castor and show both components. The png images are oriented north up, east left.