-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SbigDevKit. History: 2012-12-03: Updated for the following operating systems: Android, Linux and MacOSX. Supports Intel's x_86 32 & 64 bit processors and ARM 11xx processors. (JS) 2012-11-24: Initial release of SbigDevKit based on a new libusb v.1.0 library. (JS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported processors & operating systems: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently, SBIG development kit supports Intel x86 32 & 64 bit processors under Linux OS. The driver was tested on the following Linux distributions: Debian 6.0.6 Ubuntu 12.04 The driver should work also on other Linux distributions, there is nothing special to prevent it to work. User usually has to adapt an udev rules file only. SBIG plans to support ARM processors very soon. Next there will be added support for an Android OS and Mac OSX. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux x86 notes: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This version of the SBIG development kit is based on a new libusb v. 1.0.x USB library. For details please visit the following web page: http://www.libusb.org/ User has to install the libusb library first if not already done. If you use Debian/Ubuntu distributions it can be done by command: sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev If user plans to use out simple, command line test application (testapp), he/she should also install the cfitsio FITS library because this application stores the CCD images in such a file format. To use the SBIG file format only, the following line of code needs to be commented out just to block the FITS stuff. csbigimg.h: #define INCLUDE_FITSIO 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Linux Installation: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you use SBIG's newest CCD cameras (ST-i, STF, STT, STX, STXL), only the 51-sbig-debian.rules file has to be copied into the /etc/udev/rules.d/ subdirectory. On some linux distributions, it is necessary to change the rule keywords. If you use SBIG's CCD cameras (ST-7,8,9,..STL, ST-8300, etc.) which uploads its firmware during its booting phase, then it is neccessry to copy all the *.hex and *.bin files into the /lib/firmware directory too. The SBIG's driver library libsbigudrv.so should go to: /usr/local/lib/ and the LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be pointed to the /usr/local/lib directory too. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SBIG testapp: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sbig development kit contains a simple, command line testing application. There is also a Makefile which generates running application. Please change the fields inside this Makefile according your needs, then run: make clean -f Makefile make -f Makefile run: ./testapp /observations/img/raw/ FITS 1 LF .2 1x1 where the parameters denote: #1 - points to the directory where the output CCD images are stored. #2 - FITS or SBIG defines the output file format. #3 - denotes number of images to grab. #4 - can be LF or DF and denotes if the light or dark frame should be taken. #5 - an exposure time in seconds #6 - binning mode (1x1, 2x2, 3x3)