2017-11-26 ========== J. Kielkopf CDK20N grizbV Opened at 17:15 EST Cooled to -5 C 49.1 F 41% H 30.15 in Clear Set pointing on field N of M30 Slew to M30 ----------- First M30 exposure at 18:25 in bb 120s m30_00042 alt 28 degrees Have glare from Moon but it's usable and focus looks good in bb very nice in r' 120 s each b' m30_42 g' m30_43 r' m30_44 sharp! i' m30_45 sharp! Nice seeing in red and near IR z' m30_46 About 3 px FWHM or less so seeing ~1.5 arcsec or better V m30_47 OK but a little fuzzier repeated to see if this is seeing V m30_48 Processing ---------- Bias, scaled dark, flats from most recent archive Added WCS for celestial coordinates m30_iVb_rgb_sqrt.png Color of M30 using i, V, and g filters with square root m30_rVb_rgb_sqrt.png Color of M30 using r, V, and g filters with square root m30_00042_bb_dfw_sqrt.png Full frame showing scattered moonlight The "i" image has an artifact that may be a cosmic ray strike producing a "starlike" bright spot that shows red in the png image. The png images have north up, east to the left.