2018-01-25 ========== J. Kielkopf CDK20N grizbV 22:27 40.6 F 69% H Slew to M67 128s exposures g m67_00020.fits r m67_00021.fits i m67_00022.fits z m67_00022.fits V m67_00023.fits The color image m67_log_rgb.png was made with ds9 using Sloan r' --> red Johnson Cousins V --> green Sloan g' --> blue to approximate visual color. The log of the light signal is shown so that faint and bright stars may be seen in the same image. The faintest stars are distinctly redder, as expected for cluster members. The coadded fits file is the sum of 46 images, each 128 seconds, through the V filter, for a total exposure time of 5888 seconds (1.6 hours). In the png file it is shown on a linear scale where black is just above sky background, and white is 50,000 on the digital scale were 1 count is approximately 1.5 photons. The brightest stars in the image are saturated, and at that register over 1,000,0000 photons per pixel at their peak.