2023-10-22 ========== jupiter_20231020_IP_00000348_cropped.fits jupiter_20231020_IP_00000348_cropped.jpg jupiter_20231020_IP_00000348_labeled.jpg jupiter_20231020_IP_00000348_labeled.png The FITS images are selected for best seeing from several taken at Mt. Lemmon near Tucson, Arizona 2023-10-20 00:46:10 Mountain Standard Time 2023-10-19T23:46:10 UTC Telescope: ULMT 0.6 meter Ritchie-Chretien Camera: ZWO ASI 16200 9576x6388 pixels Scale: 0.16 arcsec/pixel Resolution: ~0.2 arcsec Exposure: 100 milliseconds Filter: Sloan i' Io and Ganymede in transit. Io is visible on the disk as well as its shadow, and Ganymede is visible off the disk to the east with its large shadow elongated where it is cast on the south polar region. The FITS file is cropped from the original image. It is otherwise unprocessed. The jpg and png files are rendered in AstroImageJ with an optimized linear mapping to grayscale.