ASCII Commands ============== The following commands with ASCII data are particularly useful for setting motion control under xmtel. In the notation each character is sent as an ASCII byte, # is a number sent as characters byte by byte, and is a carriage return terminator. Also see the binary commands list for the best way to read current telescope position information. SB# Set Baud Rate (1 = 9600, 2 = 19200) Changes all controllers on serial bus. (1.5 or later) The following commands with "X" for the X axis have an equivalent "Y" for the Y axis. "X" is the altitude or declination axis. "Y" is the azimuth or right ascension axis. X# Move servo to a 32-bit signed target in the range from -2147483648 to +2147483647 . Tag a speed command at the end with S#, as in this example: X-2345S1000000 X Return the current motor encoder count. XF# Set (force) the motor encoder count to a 32-bit signed value from -2147483648 to +2147483647 . XZ Return the current mount encoder count. XZ# Set (force) the mount encoder count to a 32-bit signed value from -2147483648 to +2147483647 . XS# Set the velocity of the X servo to a value from 0 to 2147483647 . XS Return the (target) velocity of the the X servo. XR# Set the ramping acceleration of the X servo in the range 0 to 3900 . XR Return the ramping of the X servo acceleration. XP# Set the proportional band of X servo in the range 0 to 0 to 32767 . XP Return the proportional band. XI# Set the X integral in the range 0 to 32767 . XI Returns the X integral. XD# Set the X derivative in the range 0 to 32767 . XD Returns the X derivative. XE# Set the maximum position error limit before servo turns off in the range from 0 to 32767 . XEL Return position error limit. XE Return the position error of the servo. XO# Set X axis PWM output n the range from 0 to 255 . XO Return the X axis PWM output of the servo in the range from 0 to 255 . XC# Set the X axis motor current limit in the from 0 to 240 meaning from 0 to 2.40 amps. XC Return the X axis motor current limit in the from 0 to 240 meaning from 0 to 2.40 amps. XM# Set the X axis to manual mode providing a the PWM value from -255 to +255 . XA Set the X axis to auto mode. XN Stop X axis to by ramping speed down to zero. This state clear when a target new position is given. XNT Stop X axis and when it slows down enough, start tracking in the DragNTrack or SlewNTrack mode. XG Stop X axis without a ramp down. This would be an emergency stop. XL# Set X axis integral limit from 0 to 24000 . XL Return integral limit from 0 to 24000 . XB# Set the servo bits with a number in the range from 0 to 255 . XB Returns current servo bits value for X. The following commands only have an X command. They affect both servos. XK Returns the handpad info in decimal. XH Returns the temperature of the CPU chip in degrees F. XV Returns the firmware version * 10 . XJ Returns the motor power supply voltage * 10 . XQ Resets the both servo axes. XU Program factory defaults into the flash ROM. XW Write the configuration of both the X and Y parameters from working RAM to flash ROM. XT Read the configuration from flash ROM to working RAM. FC Configure flash ROM. Use with caution! Send 128 more bytes, then 2 bytes of checksum (Simple Addition of all data bytes sent.), and it will write the new data to flash. It also reads the new data into the working RAM SC Send flash configuration. The controller sends 128 bytes, followed by two bytes of checksum. This data is what is in the flash, not necessarily what is the working RAM. All of the following XX extended commands have a corresponding read command. For example, "XXL" responds with the latitude. XXL# Store the latitude in the controller. Use x100 encoding such as 4500 = 45 degrees north, -4500 = 45 degrees south. XXZ# Store the azimuth axis encoder ticks for a full axis rotation. XXT# Store the altitude axis encoder ticks for a full axis rotation. XXU# Store the altitude axis motor encoder ticks for a full axis rotation. XXV# Store the azimuth axis motor encoder ticks for a full axis rotation. Several other commands used less often are documented in the servo controller manual. Among these: XXO# Set altitude backlash. XXP# Set azimuth backlash. XXW# Set motor speed while in the backlash region. It should be in the range from 200,000 to 500,000.