Serial devices may be assigned to a group and the user should be a member of the group. If that is done, then the permission may be set with chmod g+rw ttyS0 However, for universal access use chmod a+rw ttyS0 since this will always work, unless you need to restrict the telescope control to specific users. The rules file goes in /etc/udev/rules.d to automatically assign permission to a USB to serial converter. It is set for the specific vendor and model we use, and should be modified as needed. We have had one case of a USB to serial converter failing at subfreezing temperatures, out of its "home use" design range. This caused a race condition in the USB subsystem leading to a system crash. One first use of a USB converter, check its status with lsusb : see that it is installed ls /dev/ttyUSB* : inspect permissions tail --lines=200 /var/log/messages | less : look for errors