Uses of Class

Packages that use ImageProcessor

Uses of ImageProcessor in ij

Fields in ij declared as ImageProcessor
protected  ImageProcessor ImagePlus.ip

Methods in ij that return ImageProcessor
 ImageProcessor ImagePlus.getChannelProcessor()
          Returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor.
 ImageProcessor CompositeImage.getChannelProcessor()
 ImageProcessor ImagePlus.getMask()
          For images with irregular ROIs, returns a byte mask, otherwise, returns null.
 ImageProcessor ImagePlus.getProcessor()
          Returns a reference to the current ImageProcessor.
 ImageProcessor VirtualStack.getProcessor(int n)
          Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
 ImageProcessor ImageStack.getProcessor(int n)
          Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
 ImageProcessor CompositeImage.getProcessor(int channel)

Methods in ij with parameters of type ImageProcessor
 void VirtualStack.addSlice(java.lang.String sliceLabel, ImageProcessor ip)
          Does nothing..
 void ImageStack.addSlice(java.lang.String sliceLabel, ImageProcessor ip)
          Adds the image in 'ip' to the end of the stack.
 void VirtualStack.addSlice(java.lang.String sliceLabel, ImageProcessor ip, int n)
          Does noting.
 void ImageStack.addSlice(java.lang.String sliceLabel, ImageProcessor ip, int n)
          Adds the image in 'ip' to the stack following slice 'n'.
 void LookUpTable.drawUnscaledColorBar(ImageProcessor ip, int x, int y, int width, int height)
 void ImagePlus.setProcessor(ImageProcessor ip)
          Replaces the ImageProcessor with the one specified and updates the display.
 void ImagePlus.setProcessor(java.lang.String title, ImageProcessor ip)
          Replaces the ImageProcessor with the one specified and updates the display.
 void ImageStack.update(ImageProcessor ip)
          Updates this stack so its attributes, such as min, max, calibration table and color model, are the same as 'ip'.

Constructors in ij with parameters of type ImageProcessor
ImagePlus(java.lang.String title, ImageProcessor ip)
          Constructs an ImagePlus from an ImageProcessor.

Uses of ImageProcessor in ij.gui

Fields in ij.gui declared as ImageProcessor
protected  ImageProcessor Roi.cachedMask

Methods in ij.gui that return ImageProcessor
 ImageProcessor ShapeRoi.getMask()
          Returns this ROI's mask pixels as a ByteProcessor with pixels "in" the mask set to white (255) and pixels "outside" the mask set to black (0).
 ImageProcessor Roi.getMask()
          Always returns null for rectangular Roi's
 ImageProcessor PolygonRoi.getMask()
          Override Roi.nudge() to support splines.
 ImageProcessor PointRoi.getMask()
 ImageProcessor OvalRoi.getMask()
 ImageProcessor Plot.getProcessor()
          Returns the plot as an ImageProcessor.

Methods in ij.gui with parameters of type ImageProcessor
protected  void HistogramWindow.drawHistogram(ImageProcessor ip, boolean fixedRange)
 void TextRoi.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
          Renders the text on the image.
 void ShapeRoi.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
          Draws the shape of this object onto the specified ImageProcessor.
 void Roi.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
          Draws the selection outline on the specified ImageProcessor.
 void PolygonRoi.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
 void PointRoi.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
 void OvalRoi.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
          Draws an outline of this OvalRoi on the image.
 void Line.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Arrow.drawPixels(ImageProcessor ip)
 java.lang.String TextRoi.getMacroCode(ImageProcessor ip)

Constructors in ij.gui with parameters of type ImageProcessor
ImageRoi(int x, int y, ImageProcessor ip)
          Creates a new ImageRoi from a ImageProcessor.
Wand(ImageProcessor ip)
          Constructs a Wand object from an ImageProcessor.

Uses of ImageProcessor in

Constructors in with parameters of type ImageProcessor
TextEncoder(ImageProcessor ip, Calibration cal, int precision)
          Constructs a TextEncoder from an ImageProcessor and optional Calibration.

Uses of ImageProcessor in ij.plugin

Methods in ij.plugin that return ImageProcessor
 ImageProcessor CanvasResizer.expandImage(ImageProcessor ipOld, int wNew, int hNew, int xOff, int yOff)
 ImageProcessor ListVirtualStack.getProcessor(int n)
          Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified slice, were 1<=n<=nslices.
 ImageProcessor FileInfoVirtualStack.getProcessor(int n)
          Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified image, were 1<=n<=nImages.
 ImageProcessor AVI_Reader.getProcessor(int n)
          Returns an ImageProcessor for the specified frame of this virtual stack (if it is one) where 1<=n<=nslices.
 ImageProcessor SurfacePlotter.makeSurfacePlot(ImageProcessor ip)
          Displays a file open dialog and opens the specified text file as a float image.
 ImageProcessor path)
          Opens the specified text file as a float image.
 ImageProcessor PGM_Reader.open16bitAsciiImage( tok, int width, int height)
 ImageProcessor PGM_Reader.open16bitRawImage( is, int width, int height)
 ImageProcessor Straightener.rotateLine(ImagePlus imp, int width)
 ImageProcessor Straightener.straighten(ImagePlus imp, Roi roi, int width)
 ImageProcessor Straightener.straightenLine(ImagePlus imp, int width)

Methods in ij.plugin with parameters of type ImageProcessor
 void ContrastEnhancer.equalize(ImageProcessor ip)
          Changes the tone curves of images.
 ImageProcessor CanvasResizer.expandImage(ImageProcessor ipOld, int wNew, int hNew, int xOff, int yOff)
 ImageProcessor SurfacePlotter.makeSurfacePlot(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Slicer.putColumn(ImageProcessor ip, int x, int y, float[] data, int length)
 void Slicer.putRow(ImageProcessor ip, int x, int y, float[] data, int length)
 void ContrastEnhancer.stretchHistogram(ImageProcessor ip, double saturated)
 void ContrastEnhancer.stretchHistogram(ImageProcessor ip, double saturated, ImageStatistics stats)

Uses of ImageProcessor in ij.plugin.filter

Methods in ij.plugin.filter that return ImageProcessor
 ImageProcessor FFTFilter.tileMirror(ImageProcessor ip, int width, int height, int x, int y)
          Puts ImageProcessor (ROI) into a new ImageProcessor of size width x height y at position (x,y).

Methods in ij.plugin.filter with parameters of type ImageProcessor
 void SaltAndPepper.add(ImageProcessor ip, double percent)
 boolean ParticleAnalyzer.analyze(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip)
          Performs particle analysis on the specified ImagePlus and ImageProcessor.
 boolean GaussianBlur.blur(ImageProcessor ip, double radius)
          Gaussian Filtering of an ImageProcessor.
 void GaussianBlur.blurGaussian(ImageProcessor ip, double sigmaX, double sigmaY, double accuracy)
          Gaussian Filtering of an ImageProcessor.
 void Filler.clear(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Filler.clearOutside(ImageProcessor ip)
          Deprecated. replaced by ImageProcessor.fillOutside(Roi)
 boolean Convolver.convolve(ImageProcessor ip, float[] kernel, int kw, int kh)
          Convolves ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh.
 boolean Convolver.convolveFloat(ImageProcessor ip, float[] kernel, int kw, int kh)
          Convolves the float image ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh.
 void Filler.draw(ImageProcessor ip)
          Deprecated. replaced by ImageProcessor.draw(Roi)
protected  void CalibrationBar.drawColorBar(ImageProcessor ip, int xOffset, int yOffset)
 void Filler.drawLabel(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip, int count, java.awt.Rectangle r)
protected  void ParticleAnalyzer.drawParticle(ImageProcessor drawIP, Roi roi, ImageStatistics stats, ImageProcessor mask)
          Draws a selected particle in a separate image.
 void Shadows.east(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Filler.fill(ImageProcessor ip)
          Deprecated. replaced by ImageProcessor.fill(Roi)
 ByteProcessor MaximumFinder.findMaxima(ImageProcessor ip, double tolerance, double threshold, int outputType, boolean excludeOnEdges, boolean isEDM)
          Here the processing is done: Find the maxima of an image (does not find minima).
 java.lang.String Info.getImageInfo(ImagePlus imp, ImageProcessor ip)
 void Filler.label(ImageProcessor ip)
 ShortProcessor EDM.make16bitEDM(ImageProcessor ip)
          Calculates a 16-bit grayscale Euclidean Distance Map for a binary 8-bit image.
 FloatProcessor EDM.makeFloatEDM(ImageProcessor ip, int backgroundValue, boolean edgesAreBackground)
          Creates the Euclidian Distance Map of a (binary) byte image.
 void Filler.makeMask(ImageProcessor ip, java.awt.Rectangle r)
 void Shadows.north(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Shadows.northeast(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Shadows.northwest(ImageProcessor ip)
 void RankFilters.rank(ImageProcessor ip, double radius, int rankType)
          Filters an image
static void GaussianBlur.resetOutOfRoi(ImageProcessor ip, int radius)
          Set the processed pixels above and below the roi rectangle back to their previous value (i.e., snapshot buffer).
 void BackgroundSubtracter.rollingBallBackground(ImageProcessor ip, double radius, boolean createBackground, boolean lightBackground, boolean useParaboloid, boolean doPresmooth, boolean correctCorners)
          Create or subtract a background, works for all image types.
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
          This method is invoked for each slice or color channel.
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
          Filters use this method to process the image.
 void ip)
 void ip)
          The plugin is inferred from ImageJ by this method
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
          This method is invoked for each slice during execution
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
          Called by the PlugInFilterRunner to process the image or one frame of a stack
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ipPassed)
 void ip)
 void ip)
 void ip)
          Background for any image type
 void ip)
          Asks for the compression type and filename; then saves as AVI file
 void ip)
 void Shadows.south(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Shadows.southeast(ImageProcessor ip)
 void Shadows.southwest(ImageProcessor ip)
 void BackgroundSubtracter.subtractBackround(ImageProcessor ip, int ballRadius)
 ImageProcessor FFTFilter.tileMirror(ImageProcessor ip, int width, int height, int x, int y)
          Puts ImageProcessor (ROI) into a new ImageProcessor of size width x height y at position (x,y).
 void EDM.toEDM(ImageProcessor ip)
          Converts a binary image into a 8-bit grayscale Euclidean Distance Map (EDM).
 void EDM.toWatershed(ImageProcessor ip)
          Do watershed segmentation based on the EDM of the foreground objects (nonzero pixels) in an 8-bit image.
 void CalibrationBar.verticalColorBar(ImageProcessor ip, int x, int y, int thickness, int length)
 void Shadows.west(ImageProcessor ip)

Uses of ImageProcessor in ij.plugin.frame

Methods in ij.plugin.frame with parameters of type ImageProcessor
 void ColorThresholder.getLab(ImageProcessor ip, byte[] L, byte[] a, byte[] b)
 void ColorThresholder.getYUV(ImageProcessor ip, byte[] Y, byte[] U, byte[] V)

Uses of ImageProcessor in ij.process

Subclasses of ImageProcessor in ij.process
 class BinaryProcessor
          This class processes binary images.
 class ByteProcessor
          This is an 8-bit image and methods that operate on that image.
 class ColorProcessor
          This is an 32-bit RGB image and methods that operate on that image..
 class FHT
          This class contains a Java implementation of the Fast Hartley Transform.
 class FloatProcessor
          This is an 32-bit floating-point image and methods that operate on that image.
 class ShortProcessor
          ShortProcessors contain a 16-bit unsigned image and methods that operate on that image.

Methods in ij.process that return ImageProcessor
 ImageProcessor TypeConverter.convertToByte()
          Converts processor to a ByteProcessor.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.convertToByte(boolean doScaling)
          Returns an 8-bit version of this image as a ByteProcessor.
 ImageProcessor MedianCut.convertToByte(int maxcubes)
          This is a version of convert that returns a ByteProcessor.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.convertToFloat()
          Returns a 32-bit float version of this image as a FloatProcessor.
 ImageProcessor TypeConverter.convertToFloat(float[] ctable)
          Converts processor to a FloatProcessor.
 ImageProcessor TypeConverter.convertToRGB()
          Converts processor to a ColorProcessor.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.convertToRGB()
          Returns an RGB version of this image as a ColorProcessor.
 ImageProcessor TypeConverter.convertToShort()
          Converts processor to a ShortProcessor.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.convertToShort(boolean doScaling)
          Returns a 16-bit version of this image as a ShortProcessor.
 ImageProcessor ShortProcessor.createProcessor(int width, int height)
          Returns a new, blank ShortProcessor with the specified width and height.
abstract  ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.createProcessor(int width, int height)
          Returns a new, blank processor with the specified width and height.
 ImageProcessor FloatProcessor.createProcessor(int width, int height)
          Returns a new, blank FloatProcessor with the specified width and height.
 ImageProcessor ColorProcessor.createProcessor(int width, int height)
          Returns a new, blank ColorProcessor with the specified width and height.
 ImageProcessor ByteProcessor.createProcessor(int width, int height)
          Returns a new, blank ByteProcessor with the specified width and height.
 ImageProcessor ShortProcessor.crop()
abstract  ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.crop()
          Creates a new processor containing an image that corresponds to the current ROI.
 ImageProcessor FloatProcessor.crop()
 ImageProcessor ColorProcessor.crop()
 ImageProcessor ByteProcessor.crop()
 ImageProcessor ShortProcessor.duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this image.
abstract  ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this image.
 ImageProcessor FloatProcessor.duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this image.
 ImageProcessor ColorProcessor.duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this image.
 ImageProcessor ByteProcessor.duplicate()
          Returns a duplicate of this image.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.getMask()
          For images with irregular ROIs, returns a mask, otherwise, returns null.
 ImageProcessor PolygonFiller.getMask(int width, int height)
          Returns a byte mask containing a filled version of the polygon.
 ImageProcessor FHT.getPowerSpectrum()
          Returns an 8-bit power spectrum, log-scaled to 1-254.
 ImageProcessor ColorProcessor.makeThumbnail(int width2, int height2, double smoothFactor)
          Uses averaging to creates a new ColorProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.resize(int dstWidth)
          Creates a new ImageProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or ROI, with the aspect ratio maintained.
 ImageProcessor ShortProcessor.resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Creates a new ShortProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
abstract  ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Creates a new ImageProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or ROI.
 ImageProcessor FloatProcessor.resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Creates a new FloatProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
 ImageProcessor ColorProcessor.resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Creates a new ColorProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
 ImageProcessor ByteProcessor.resize(int dstWidth, int dstHeight)
          Creates a new ByteProcessor containing a scaled copy of this image or selection.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.rotateLeft()
          Rotates the entire image 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
 ImageProcessor ImageProcessor.rotateRight()
          Rotates the entire image 90 degrees clockwise.

Methods in ij.process with parameters of type ImageProcessor
 void StackProcessor.copyBits(ImageProcessor src, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
 void ShortProcessor.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
 void ShortBlitter.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the 16-bit image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
abstract  void ImageProcessor.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
 void FloatProcessor.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
 void FloatBlitter.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the float image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
 void ColorProcessor.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
 void ColorBlitter.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the RGB image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
 void ByteProcessor.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the image contained in 'ip' to (xloc, yloc) using one of the transfer modes defined in the Blitter interface.
 void ByteBlitter.copyBits(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc, int mode)
          Copies the byte image in 'ip' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
 void Blitter.copyBits(ImageProcessor src, int x, int y, int mode)
          Copies the image in 'src' to (x,y) using the specified mode.
 void ImageStatistics.drawEllipse(ImageProcessor ip)
 void EllipseFitter.drawEllipse(ImageProcessor ip)
          Draws the ellipse on the specified image.
 void ShortProcessor.fill(ImageProcessor mask)
          Fills pixels that are within roi and part of the mask.
abstract  void ImageProcessor.fill(ImageProcessor mask)
          Fills pixels that are within the ROI bounding rectangle and part of the mask (i.e.
 void FloatProcessor.fill(ImageProcessor mask)
          Fills pixels that are within roi and part of the mask.
 void ColorProcessor.fill(ImageProcessor mask)
          Fills pixels that are within roi and part of the mask.
 void ByteProcessor.fill(ImageProcessor mask)
          Fills pixels that are within roi and part of the mask.
 void PolygonFiller.fill(ImageProcessor ip, java.awt.Rectangle r)
          Fills the polygon using the ImageProcessor's current drawing color.
 void ip, ImageStatistics stats)
          Fits an ellipse to the current ROI.
 double ImageProcessor.getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(double x0, double y0, ImageProcessor ip2)
          This method is from Chapter 16 of "Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java" by Burger and Burge (
 double FloatProcessor.getBicubicInterpolatedPixel(double x0, double y0, ImageProcessor ip2)
          This method is from Chapter 16 of "Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java" by Burger and Burge (
 int[] ColorProcessor.getHistogram(ImageProcessor mask)
 int[] ByteProcessor.getHistogram(ImageProcessor mask)
static ImageStatistics ImageStatistics.getStatistics(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions, Calibration cal)
 void ImageProcessor.insert(ImageProcessor ip, int xloc, int yloc)
          Inserts the image contained in 'ip' at (xloc, yloc).
 void EllipseFitter.makeRoi(ImageProcessor ip)
          Generates the xCoordinates, yCoordinates public arrays that can be used to create an ROI.
protected  java.lang.String ImageProcessor.maskSizeError(ImageProcessor mask)
 void FloodFiller.particleAnalyzerFill(int x, int y, double level1, double level2, ImageProcessor mask, java.awt.Rectangle bounds)
          This method is used by the particle analyzer to remove interior holes from particle masks.
 void ShortProcessor.reset(ImageProcessor mask)
abstract  void ImageProcessor.reset(ImageProcessor mask)
          Restores pixels from the snapshot buffer that are within the rectangular roi but not part of the mask.
 void FloatProcessor.reset(ImageProcessor mask)
 void ColorProcessor.reset(ImageProcessor mask)
 void ByteProcessor.reset(ImageProcessor mask)
          Restore pixels that are within roi but not part of mask.
 void ImageProcessor.setMask(ImageProcessor mask)
          Defines a byte mask that limits processing to an irregular ROI.
 void FHT.swapQuadrants(ImageProcessor ip)
          Swap quadrants 1 and 3 and 2 and 4 of the specified ImageProcessor so the power spectrum origin is at the center of the image.

Constructors in ij.process with parameters of type ImageProcessor
ByteStatistics(ImageProcessor ip)
          Construct an ImageStatistics object from a ByteProcessor using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max) and no calibration.
ByteStatistics(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions, Calibration cal)
          Constructs a ByteStatistics object from a ByteProcessor using the specified measurement and calibration.
ColorStatistics(ImageProcessor ip)
          Construct an ImageStatistics object from a ColorProcessor using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).
ColorStatistics(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions, Calibration cal)
          Constructs a ColorStatistics object from a ColorProcessor using the specified measurement options.
FHT(ImageProcessor ip)
          Constructs a FHT object from an ImageProcessor.
FloatStatistics(ImageProcessor ip)
          Constructs an ImageStatistics object from a FloatProcessor using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).
FloatStatistics(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions, Calibration cal)
          Constructs a FloatStatistics object from a FloatProcessor using the specified measurement options.
FloodFiller(ImageProcessor ip)
ShortStatistics(ImageProcessor ip)
          Construct an ImageStatistics object from a ShortProcessor using the standard measurement options (area, mean, mode, min and max).
ShortStatistics(ImageProcessor ip, int mOptions, Calibration cal)
          Constructs a ShortStatistics object from a ShortProcessor using the specified measurement options.
StackProcessor(ImageStack stack, ImageProcessor ip)
          Constructs a StackProcessor from a stack.
TypeConverter(ImageProcessor ip, boolean doScaling)