JS9 Demo: JS9 menubar styles
JS9 supports two styles of menubar: the default classic style (all top-level menus are displayed in the menubar) and a mac style (some top-level menus are in the View menu). Specify the style globally by setting JS9.globalOpts.menubarStyle to "mac" or "classic". Specify a style for specific menubar by using the data-style attribute on that element.

You also can display user-defined menus by setting the JS9.globalOpts.userMenuBar to an array of menu options, and then either setting JS9.globalOpts.userMenus to true for all menubars or setting the data-usermenus attribute to "true" for a specific menubar. See js9usermenus.js for an example of a user menubar array.

Note that supermenus support styles and user menus, as shown in the examples below the image displays.

A classic menubar displaying all top-level menus:

Super-menus of style classic, mac, mac/user to control both displays:

A Mac-style menubar (top-level menus in View) and user-defined menus:

Left-hand display: Right-hand display:

JS9 Demos:

web page configuration: multiple displays: plugins: colors: data analysis: FITS support: not often needed: